16 Weeks and Counting!

Well…guess it’s time for the “official” announcement: as of Monday, March 3rd Drew, Lisa and Justin have made it 16 weeks into their pregnancy! We had an ultrasound done in early February for Down Syndrome and the results came back clear. We passed the big test with flying colors. We have a Level 2 ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday, March 18th which they will do some further measuring and we should hopefully find out the sex of the baby. Justin is still hoping for a girl and isn’t sure what he will do if it is a boy. I think he will be a great big brother no matter what GOD gives up. We are still asking for prayers that the next ultrasound will go well and that we will have a very healthy baby. Our due date is in August (hopefully before Heather and Clay’s wedding so that we can come out), so we have a ways to go, but will keep you updated with any new events!! Keep watching to find out the sex of the baby around the 18th of this month!!

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2 Replies to “16 Weeks and Counting!”

  1. Lise:
    You look absolutely adorable! Keep us posted.
    You’re in our thoughts and prayers.
    Love the Heaps

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